Sunday Night Gatherings
5/1/2020: All Community of St. Martin in-person gatherings, including worship services and adult ed gatherings are cancelled at least until September, 2020, because of health concerns realted to Corona Virus. For now, Community of St. Martin services are new conducted online via Zoom gatherings. For more information, contact:
Once we begin gahering in person again...
Please visit us on a Sunday night for one of our weekly gatherings -- where 25-40 people are usually present. Our gatherings take place in the basement of Faith Mennonite Church, 2720 E. 22nd Street in Minneapolis (at the corner of 28th Ave South and 22nd St East -- basement entrance on 28th Avenue).
Our monthly schedule will be as follows:
First Sunday of the Month
Potluck meal (bring a dish to share) at 5:30pm, followed by worship
Second Sunday of the Month
Education Time (Sept-May) 5:30-6:30pm
Eucharist/Communion worship 6:30-7:30pm
Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays
Education Time (Sept-May) 5:30-6:30pm
Announcements/Worship 6:30-7:30pm
Informal Visiting 7:30-8:00pm
Third Sunday of the Month
(September – May)
We gather for worship at 6:30pm, beginning with social time. A quiet, meditative worship follows, called Prayer Around the Cross. At the close of the service, people leave quietly.
Childcare is available during worship.