Community Activities
- Weekly worship each Sunday evening
- Weekly book study
- Paid summer internships for youth members to work with peace organizations
- Annual Community Vow of Non-Violence
- Fall Day of Reflection
- Spring Day of Renewal
- School of the Americas annual protest
- On-going peace vigils
We worship at Faith Mennonite Church, in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis, and seek to partner with like-minded communities of faith. Note: All Community of St. Martin gatherings, including worship services and adult ed gatherings are cancelled at least until September, 2020, because of health concerns realted to Corona Virus. For now, Community of St. Martin services are new conducted online via Zoom gatherings. For more information, contact:
Following is a partial list of our community’s characteristics, values, goals, and
aspirations that help describe us:
- An intentional focus on nonviolent peacemaking and work for social justice
- An ecumenical, Christian community that worships regularly together with spirited liturgies that employ good music and inclusive language
- Decision making by consensus
- A commitment to outward expression of peacemaking and justice seeking
- An intention to share a common life through worship
- Enabling one another to use individuals’ diverse gifts
- A commitment to inward spiritual journeys through solitude, study, prayer and spiritual direction
- Shared leadership and responsibilities
- Open and affirming, celebrating the diversity of all creation
- We try not to take ourselves too seriously